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Saturday, November 13, 1999, updated at 12:23(GMT+8)
China PLA Garrison Capable of Defending Macao

The Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) Garrison of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) is a martial and civilized force capable of defending Macao after its handover to the motherland on December 20.

Major General Liu Yuejun, the commander, and Major General He Xianshu, the political commissar, made these remarks in an exclusive interview with Xinhua Thursday. They both disclosed that all preparations have been made for the garrison's deployment in Macao.

In early October, the garrison passed an overall inspection and approval by a PLA headquarters team led by Chief of the General Staffs Fu Quanyou. This shows that the troops are well equipped and trained.

Over the last few months, the Macao Garrison, the youngest of all PLA combat units, have carried out strict training schedule. The garrison has achieved excellent results in all kinds of training and tests by the PLA headquarters and the Guangzhou Military Area Command.

The leadership of the garrison troops attaches great importance to create the awareness about the relevant laws and regulations on the Macao SAR and the garrison. The soldiers and officers have been ordered to cherish their mission and abide to its laws and ethics.

To ensure that troops receive medicare and daily food supplies, the garrison has set up a logistic base in Zhuhai, which borders Macao.

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