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Saturday, November 13, 1999, updated at 12:56(GMT+8)
China Chinese NPC Chairman Meets With French Entrepreneurs

Li Peng, chairman of the National People's Congress (NPC) Standing Committee, met with Michel Derbesse, president of Bouygues Group of France on November 12 in Beijing.

Li said that Bouygues and other enterprises from different countries are welcome to invest or do business in China.

China and France enjoy a good cooperative relationship in economy and other areas, Li noted. He expressed the hope that Sino-French cooperation of mutual benefit would be raised to a new level with the joint effort of both sides.

Derbesse told Li that Bouygues Group values the business opportunities in China. He said that the group is trying to get a better understanding of the investment environment and market in China to reinforce the cooperation with the Chinese side in the fields of construction projects, telecommunication and environment protection.

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