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Saturday, November 13, 1999, updated at 12:23(GMT+8)
China China's Troops in Macao, Hong Kong Separate Yet Equal

A senior Chinese military official said in Zhuhai on November 12 that the garrison troops to be stationed in the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) are of no lesser position than those stationed in the Hong Kong SAR.

Major General Liu Yuejun, commander of the just-established garrison troops for the Macao SAR, said that both legions of troops are sent by the Central Government to the regions to handle defense, and are both operating under the Central Military Commission.

To meet the demands for defense in the Macao SAR and Hong Kong SAR, the two garrison troops are different in composition, size, establishment and equipment, Liu said.

According to the Garrison Law of the Macao SAR, the Central Government covers the expenses of the troops, Liu said.

Both the garrison troops in the Hong Kong SAR and Macao SAR, like all others in the country, will not engage in commercial business operations, Liu added.

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