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Saturday, November 13, 1999, updated at 12:23(GMT+8)
China HK Welcomes Japan's Decision to Lower Visa Fees

The government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) welcomes Japan's decision to substantially cut the visa fees for HKSAR passport holders, said a government spokesman on November 12.

The fees will be reduced from the current levels of 400 HK dollars (51.3 U.S. dollars) for multiple entry visas and 200 HK dollars (25.6 U.S. dollars) for single entry visas to an across-the-board charge of 80 HK dollars (10.3 U.S. dollars), starting from December 1.

"This will enhance the travel convenience of HKSAR residents and encourage further development of trade, tourism and cultural exchanges between Japan and Hong Kong," he added.

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