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Thursday, November 11, 1999, updated at 10:11(GMT+8)
China Vice Premier Meets HK Law Society Delegation

Vice Premier Qian Qichen met here today with a delegation from the board of directors of the Law Society of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) led by Anthony W.K.Chow.

The vice premier said the "one country, two systems" policy has been truly implemented in the Hong Kong SAR since the territory returned to the motherland on July 1, 1997.

He said it was a "good phenomenon" that exchanges and cooperation between legal specialists in Hong Kong and the mainland have been constantly expanded over the past two years.

As Hong Kong and mainland have two different legal systems, it is normal that some new problems have emerged in exchanges between the two sides, Qian said, stressing that "we have a common ground, the Basic Law."

All problems can be resolved through strengthening exchanges between the two sides, a timely summing up of our the experiences, and strictly abiding by the Basic Law, he emphasized.

Qian also noted that the lawyers' organizations in Hong Kong and the mainland are equals, and the two sides can strengthen their exchanges and cooperation on the basis of mutual respect.

The delegation arrived here on November 7 and will return home today.

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