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Thursday, November 04, 1999, updated at 10:11(GMT+8)
World Lithuanian Parliament Approves New PM

The Lithuanian parliament approved the president's nomination of First Deputy Chairman of the Parliament Andrius Kubilius as new prime minister on November 3.

President Valdas Adamkus is expected to issue a decree giving Kubilius 15 days to form a new cabinet, reported Interfax news agency.

Kubilius, 42, a physicist and a member of the Conservative Party, once a member of the Vilnius University faculty, was active in the pro-independence Sajudis movement and became its secretary. He has been a member of parliament since 1992.

Kubilius' wife Rasa Kubiliene is a violinist in the National Symphony Orchestra. They have two sons.

Kubilius' nomination was supported by the ruling majority of the conservatives and the Christian democrats, but opposed by the Democratic Labor Party, some social democrats and the United Group members. The centrists and members of the Independence Party abstained from voting.

Kubilius told reporters after the voting that he would take immediate steps to form a new cabinet, adopting a governmental program and resolving urgent problems.

He said he will name finance and economy ministers within two days, adding that it is difficult to choose a proper finance minister and he has had some candidates from the parliament.

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