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Thursday, November 04, 1999, updated at 10:11(GMT+8)
World Nigeria, Britain Plan Joint Military Exercise

Nigerian and British armed forces have agreed to undertake a joint military exercise early next year, Defence Minister Lt. Gen. Theophilus Danjuma has disclosed.

Speaking at the National War College in capital Abuja on Tuesday, the minister said that modalities for the exercise were being worked out by the chief of defence staff and representatives of British armed forces, New Nigerian newspaper reported Wednesday.

He said that the present administration considered training of officers and men of the armed forces as pivotal to the resuscitation of professionalism in the military, adding that the joint exercise was part of the professionalism.

The minister promised to equip the college library, improve the training of facilities and provide computers for war training programs.

Danjuma said that emphasis would be placed on tri-service training which would provide the necessary spring-board for further training to include joint operations among the three arms of the military.

It was reported that the Nigerian armed forces are currently holding bilateral discussions with their US and British counterparts on areas of mutual cooperation.

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