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Thursday, November 04, 1999, updated at 10:11(GMT+8)
World Tanzania Vows to Defend National Solidarity at Any Cost

Tanzanian Prime Minister Frederick Sumaye has urged the people to continue with the spirit of national solidarity to detehief Justice Francis Nyalali and some former minis ters to pay tribute to Tanzania's founding president Julius Nyerere, the Daily News newspaper reported on November 3.

The prime minister told the National Assembly in session in the central city Dodoma that the Union between Tanganyika and Zanzibar would be safeguarded at any cost.

"Our union will be defended at any cost while the welfare of the people will be given priority. The tranquility which prevailed during the mourning period is enough testimony that the foundations which Mwalimu (as Nyerere is respectfully called) laid are very strong," He said.

The premier urged Tanzanians not to despair but should instead work hard and fight all that Nyerere disliked as a way of honoring him.

The House will give full assistance to Mkapa in the task of carrying forward the good work of Nyerere, he said.

Meanwhile, Fatma Maghimbi, leader of the opposition in the National Assembly, said the Union is a very good thing but urged for its review to seek a "national consensus on what form the Union should take."

She decried the rampant corruption in the country and called for an all- out war to fight the vice in addition to poverty, ignorance and diseases.

Nyerere died of leukemia in the St. Thomas Hospital in London on October 14.

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