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Monday, October 11, 1999, updated at 14:17
China Chinese Premier Meets Tongan King

  Premier Zhu Rongji October 8 offered his congratulations on Tonga's representation in the United Nations, which started in September, and said he hoped that China and Tonga would cooperate closely in world affairs.

  In a meeting with visiting Tongan King Taufa'ahau Tupou IV, Zhu said that China and Tonga should work together to set up a new world political and economic order which would safeguard the interests of developing countries as well as world peace and security.

  The king arrived in Beijing Wednesday on a state visit at the invitation of Chinese President Jiang Zemin. The king paid an informal visit to China in 1997. Diplomatic ties were forged between the two nations on November 2, 1998.

  Zhu said he appreciated the important contribution to bilateral ties made by the king, who decided to normalize relations. He also thanked the other members of the royal family for their assistance in this effort.

  Since the establishment of diplomatic ties, Zhu noted, bilateral ties have steadily progressed, and cooperation in economic, trade, and cultural sectors have made a good beginning. The trade agreement signed between the two governments during this visit would undoubtedly push forward such a cooperation, he added.

  The king said Tonga and China share similar histories of upheaval, and Tonga is happy about China's great achievements in the past years through the united efforts of the Chinese people.

  He stressed that Taiwan is a province of China, and no foreign force should interfere in the issue, which is totally a domestic affair of China.

  Zhu said he appreciated Tonga's "one China" position and its decision not to have any official contact with Taiwan. He also thanked the king for Tonga's support to China on Taiwan-related issues at the South Pacific Forum. (Xinhua)

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