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Monday, October 11, 1999, updated at 14:16
China Chinese Vice President Meets Philippine, Australian Guests

  Chinese Vice President Hu Jintao met in Beijing October 8 with two "old friends of China," former Philippine President Fidel Ramos and Robert James Lee Hawke, former Australian prime minister.

  After welcoming his guests, Hu said the two have made important contributions to the growth of friendly ties between China and the Philippines and Australia.

  Hu also briefed the visitors on China's domestic economic situation. He stressed that China will faithfully follow the reform and opening-up policy and continue to develop good- neighborly, friendly and mutually-beneficial relations with all countries surrounding China on the basis of Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. Doing so will safeguard peace, stability and development in Asia.

  Both Ramos and Hawke expressed their gratitude to Hu for the meeting. They told Hu that they will continue to work for the expansion of understanding and friendship between China and both their countries, and to create more non-governmental exchanges and cooperation with China in the future.

  The three men also discussed regional and global issues of common concern.

  Hainan Governor Wang Xiaofeng and Vice Foreign Minister Yang Wenchang were among those present at the meeting.

  Ramos and Hawke came to China as guests of Wang. (Xinhua)

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