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Tuesday, October 05, 1999, updated at 09:55
China Chinese Seismologists Ready for Taiwan Earthquake Relief Work

¡¡ The recent earthquake that hit Taiwan has caused great concern among seismologists on China's Mainland and a team of six geologists and seismologists and several hundred rescue workers are standing by for quake relief work in Taiwan at any moment.

¡¡ The rescue group is headed by He Yingnian, director of a cross- straits earthquake center and vice-president of the board of the Geology Society of China.

¡¡ Other experts include Chen Yuntai, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, who is president of the board of the Seismology Society of China, and four researchers from the Chinese Seismology Society and Geology Research Institute.

¡¡ Seismologists and geologists on the Mainland have expressed their readiness to work along with Taiwan compatriots to fight against disasters and to take part in relief work by using the latest developments and their experience from the strong earthquakes that have jolted the Mainland.

¡¡ The Mainland has a group of highly-trained seismologists and experienced earthquake rescue personnel and it is a pity that the rescue workers have not yet been given approval by Taiwan authorities to head for Taiwan to help in the quake relief work and researches there. (Xinhua)

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