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Tuesday, October 05, 1999, updated at 09:55
China FM Spokesman On International Earthquake Relief to Taiwan

  With kind attention and great support from the motherland and the international community, the compatriots in Taiwan are sure to overcome the devastating earthquake, tide over difficulties and rebuild their homes.

  Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhu Bangzao told Xinhua Jounalists in Beijing that that a devastating earthquake hit China's Taiwan on September 21, causing a heavy toll of lives and injuries and economic losses. On the same day, he said, President Jiang Zemin expressed sympathies and cordial regards to the Taiwan compatriots who were affected by the disaster, and deep condolences for those killed in the quake, and also expressed the readiness to provide every possible assistance to help reduce the losses from the quake.

  Zhu said that the central government and all walks of life responded immediately, and resorted to all kinds of measures to offer help for quake relief work in Taiwan.

  He noted that the international community also concerned itself with the tremor, and expressed solicitude for the quake victims in Taiwan by making remarks and sending telegraphs to the Chinese government, and it also prepared to offer disaster relief.

  Approximately 20 countries, including Japan, the United States, Russia, France and Britain, immediately sent rescue teams to the affected area in Taiwan promptly, he said, and some countries and international organizations made donations.

  In addition, overseas Chinese all over the world also extended their solicitude for the Taiwan compatriots and donated money and goods.

  "We welcome and thank rescue actions of the international community conducted through proper channels, and have always offered convenience as possible as we can," Zhu said.

  He went on to say that in order to mitigate the damage and suffering caused by the quake, the Chinese government once considered the launching of the international rescue action through the United Nations, so that the affected areas in Taiwan would attain every possible aid.

  The United Nations, as an inter-governmental international organization, can only act in line with its relevant regulations and, in dealing with the quake relief matters of a member nation, it has to consult with the government of a sovereign state and obtain its permission, Zhu said.

  In order to effectively provide assistance to Taiwan, the Chinese government send a letter to Taiwan-based Strait Exchange Foundation (SEF) through Mainland-based Association for Relations Across the Straits (ARATS) on September 24, inquiring about Taiwan 's needs, but the reply the mainland side got from SEF was that there was no such a need.

  Under such circumstances, the Chinese government therefore referred to the UN that there was no need at present to set in motion the international rescue action, Zhu said, and the UN notified that it would act according to the relevant regulations to comply with the Chinese government's requirements.

  Although the United Nations does not launch the rescue action, it does not affect the international community to provide assistance for Taiwan's quake-hit areas through proper channels, he said.

  The present situation shows that the relief effort and humanitarian aid provided by the international community are effective and unimpeded, and the Chinese government will continue to coordinate with the international community on the related relief matters, Zhu said.

  He noted that the countrymen across the Taiwan straits, born from the same ancestors, are bonded with each other in flesh and blood, and the devastating earthquake have filled millions and millions of compatriots in the motherland with worries for their kinsfolk in Taiwan.

  "Relevant departments of the Chinese government have been implementing President Jiang's remarks, that is, providing every possible assistance to help alleviate the damages caused by the quake," the spokesman said. (Xinhua)

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