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Monday, October 11, 1999, updated at 14:31
China Beijing's Astonishing Changes

  The Beijing area of the exhibition "Glorious Path: China's 50 Years of Achievements" has become a favorite since it opened on September 20. It has been crowded with visitors, many of whom have left messages expressing their admiration and pride.

  The exhibits have not only attracted local Beijing residents, but also visitors from other places all over the country.

  Visitors from outside Beijing lingered before the pictures, exhibits and models showing the astonishing changes the capital has undergone over the past 50 years.

  Zhang Qiong, a visitor from Chongqing, attentively looked at the pictures and models of criss-crossing boulevard cloverleafs, the new Changan Avenue, and modern Zhongguancun Hi-Tech Zone. Excitedly, she wrote on the computer for guest messages, "I wish the heart of our country an even brighter future!"

  More than 1,000 messages so far have been left on the five computers.

  Along with feelings of admiration, many visitors feel strong responsibilities for the country.

  Liu Wenda, a retired official, was very happy with the brilliant changes in Beijing. "The exhibition of China's achievement is great. I think it should last longer and be open free to children," he wrote.

  Twenty-one-year-old Xiao Qi said it was pleasant to see Beijing's blue sky, wide roads and comfortable environment. She left a message expressing her hope that Beijing will be a model garden city with cultured landscapes.

  The exhibition has received some 450,000 visitors since it opened on September 20. (Xinhua)

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