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Police's crackdown on organized crime fruitful: ministry


08:07, March 15, 2013

BEIJING, March 14 (Xinhua) -- Chinese police have uprooted 15,820 gangs engaged in robbery and burglary in a two-month long special action nationwide, according to sources with the Ministry of Public Security.

Over 126,000 suspects have been captured while 406,070 criminal cases have been cracked since the campaign was launched on Jan. 17. Goods and cash worth a total of 930 million yuan (147 million U.S. dollars) have been recovered, the sources said on Thursday.

In the last two months, the ministry has destroyed some severe criminal groups involving telecom fraud, burglary of in-car goods using decoders, smuggling of guns online, child-smuggling, and criminal activities making use of abducted deaf-mute people.

The police have adopted high-tech means under the circumstances of the information era, with a focus on violent gangs that threaten people's lives and property, according to the ministry. It noted that criminals have been increasingly adopting high-tech means and becoming specialized in specific crimes.

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