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Mainland improves Taiwan investors' interests: spokeswoman


19:59, February 27, 2013

BEIJING, Feb. 27 (Xinhua) -- The Chinese mainland has made more efforts to protect the interests of Taiwanese businesspeople by introducing favorable policies to help their investments on the mainland, a spokeswoman said Wednesday.

The mainland's new interim measure on confirming Taiwan investors' reinvestment solved a long-standing problem faced by the Taiwanese and will play a positive role in protecting their legal interests, Fan Liqing, Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council spokeswoman, said at a regular press conference.

The measure was jointly issued by the Ministry of Commerce and the office on Feb. 20.

According to the measure, companies, enterprises or other economic entities based outside the mainland and Taiwan with over 50 percent equity owned by Taiwanese, can enjoy the same preferential treatment as other Taiwan investors when they invest in the mainland. This can be done once they have been confirmed by the mainland's commerce departments.

Fan also said more efforts will be made to promote financial market liberalization, and speed up the cooperation of financial regulation and currency management across the Taiwan Strait.

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