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English>>Life & Culture

Realism artists put on show

By Zhang Zixuan (China Daily)

15:18, November 09, 2012

(Photo/China Daily)

The Art Gallery of Chinese Academy of Oil Painting is presenting the annual exhibition of the China Realism school. About 80 oil paintings from 25 Chinese artists will wow the audience. Initiated by artists Ai Xuan, Yang Feiyun and Wang Yidong in 2004, the school was originally named Beijing Realism school. The team has expanded from about 10 artists to more than 30. They combine Western techniques of oil paintings and local cultural context, adhering to Realism yet developing various individual styles.

9 am-5 pm, until Nov 16. Art Gallery of Chinese Academy of Oil Painting, 1704 Wenhuayishu Xinjie, Gaobeidian, Chaoyang district, Beijing. 010-8773-9533.

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