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Xinjiang: What the media never reports

There is a popular idiom, if you want to kill a dog, you start by giving it a bad name. The application of this strategy by belligerent parties, espec…[More]

Taiwan is a litmus test of partnership with China

The island of Taiwan has historically been an inalienable part of China. Throughout recorded history, Taiwan has never been a sovereign state. The isl…[More]

Allegations of demolition of mosques in Xinjiang groundless

Xinjiang has become a much-talked-about name across the world because of the frequency of attention-grabbing headlines about the region. The northwest…[More]

Allegations of 'Muslim oppression' in Xinjiang unreliable

Psychologist Tom Stafford has said that repetition makes a fact seem more true, regardless of whether it is or not. In psychology, this is known as th…[More]

HK virologist: Whistleblower or Western propaganda puppet?

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels American conservative cable television news channel, Fox News, broadcast an exclusive interview of a virologist from …[More]

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