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Rise seen in 2012 property loans: PBC (2)

By Song Shengxia  (Global Times)

08:37, January 25, 2013

With the new leadership taking office, investment will inevitably speed up, driving up demand for loans, the Bank of Communications said in a report Tuesday.

Growth in people's income and policies to encourage consumption will also lead to an increase in loans, the report predicted.

"The new loans in yuan are expected to reach between 9 and 9.5 trillion yuan in 2013 and outstanding credit will grow by between 14.3 and 15 percent in the year," the report said.

The new loans in yuan were 8.2 trillion yuan in 2012, the central bank said on January 10.

Loans to micro- and small-sized enterprises rose faster than those to large- and medium-sized enterprises, the central bank data also showed.

Loans to micro- and small-sized enterprises grew 16.6 percent year-on-year in 2012, 8 percentage points more than those for large enterprises and 1 percentage point faster than for medium-sized companies.

"Even though the data shows an increase in loans to micro- and small-sized enterprises, many small companies, especially those in Zhejiang Province, reported to me that they faced even greater difficulty in getting loans last year," Zhou Dewen, director of the Wenzhou Council for the Promotion of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in East China's Zhejiang Province, told the Global Times.

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