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Slovenian coalition government loses further parliamentary support


16:38, February 26, 2013

LJUBLJANA, Feb. 25 (Xinhua) -- The Slovenian coalition government, headed by Prime Minister Janez Jansa, is facing an unprecedented crisis of confidence with more political partners joining the opposition bloc.

The People's Party, the oldest political party in the country, and its two ministers -- Economic Development and Technology Minister Radovan Zerjav, and Agriculture and Enviroment Minister Franc Bogovic -- formally withdrew from the ruling coaliton government on Monday.

The departure of the People's Party from the ruling coaltion followed the example of the Citizen's List and Pensioners' Party since the beginning of 2013, and left Jansa with a coalition of only two parties -- his Democrats and New Slovenia, which together hold 30 seats in the 90-member national assembly.

The radical political changes, triggered by a graft report that found the incumbent Prime Minister Jansa guilty of breaking the country's office-holder integrity law, have resulted in the resignation of ministers of foreign affairs, health, finance and justice and public administration.

Positive Slovenia (PS), the largest opposition party in parliament, has filed a motion for a vote of no-confidence in the Jansa government coupled with a motion to elect PS interim head Alenka Bratusek as prime minister later this week.

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