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News Analysis: Registration of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood as NGO trick to avoid judicial challenges (2)

By Mahmoud Fouly (Xinhua)

08:14, March 22, 2013

Ahmed al-Badri, a lawyer and legal expert, said the group had to legalize its existence "to avoid legal, judicial and media attacks and to silence its opponents."

He said that some group members said the MB works in 80 states across the globe, and such an international organization cannot and will not be just an NGO.

"I personally believe that the Brotherhood should have dismantled itself once it established its Freedom and Justice Party, as their political voice is heard and there is no longer need for its presence as a controversial community," Badri told Xinhua.

The MB was referred to as "the banned group" during the time of ex-President Hosni Mubarak until the 2011 upheaval that brought the group's Mohamed Morsi to power and turned it to "the ruling group."

"The group was already legal according to the current law regulating civil society organizations and the judicial report recommending its dissolution does not worry us," MB secretary- general Mahmoud Hussein told Xinhua on Thursday.

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