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Thousands demonstrate in Madrid against health service privatization


09:42, December 10, 2012

MADRID, Dec. 9 (Xinhua) -- Thousands of people demonstrated through the center of Madrid on Sunday to protest against privatization of the public health service in the Spanish capital.

According to the organizers, about 25,000 people participated in the demonstration, but police said there were just 5,000. Demonstrators held the banner which read "We are doctors, patients and we will defend the public health service."

It is the second demonstration in less than a month, following a march in November, which took place just four days after the second general strike of the year in Spain.

Two more days of strikes have been called for the week before Christmas against the plans of the regional Popular Party government led by Ignacio Gonzalez to privatize six hotels and 27 health centers as well several laboratories.

"The reason for the move is because they want to look for profit," said Arseio Plaza of the Association of Faculties and Specialists of Madrid, referring to the regional government's plans.

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