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Main Media Center for Beijing 2022 enters post-Games transformation

BEIJING, April 1 (Xinhua) -- The Main Media Center (MMC) for Beijing 2022, which left good memories for journalists from home and abroad, has entered post-Games transformation on Thursday and is expected to complete construction in 2024. Some Winter Olympics landscape signs in the venue will be retained, and the "Start of Spring" hall, which held some important press conferences during the Games, will be kept as a permanent facility.

Legacy of Beijing Winter Olympics through architects' eyes

* In the magnificent and dazzling Olympic spaces, we get to know more about ourselves, make our dreams come true and enjoy the feeling of interdependence. We also find a model for smart cities and low-carbon life in the future.

Chinese consul-general in Perth publishes signed article entitled “Unite under the Olympic Spirit”

SYDNEY, March 24 (People’s Daily Online) – Long Dingbin, the Chinese Consul-General in Perth published a signed article entitled “Unite under the Olympic Spirit” after the conclusion of the Beijing Winter Paralympic Games, mentioning that Beijing 2022 has provided an important opportunity to go beyond geopolitics and promote global solidarity, peace and human ingenuity. 、 Long Dingbin, Chinese Consul General in Perth (Photo provided by The Consulate General of China in Perth) The full text is as follows: Following more than six years of preparation and nearly thirty days of exciting competition, the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympics were rounded off, which have successfully presented to the world a more confident, self-reliant, open and inclusive China and made key contribution to the advancement of the Olympic movement.

Beijing Olympic Village to reopen as shopping park in September

Members of the Japanese delegation take for photos at the Olympic Village for the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games, Jan. 30, 2022.

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