Tue,Nov 26,2013
English>>China Society

Editor's Pick

Around China: Young migrant worker seeks urbanization (3)

(Xinhua)    19:36, November 26, 2013
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According to the National Bureau of Statistics, an estimated 173 million rural residents were working in cities at the end of September, and over 30 percent of them are under 30 years old.

Second generation migrant workers, having bid farewell to their rural homes, are still far from the center of city life, raising public concern about their living conditions.

A landmark policy document, approved by the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee that ended on Nov. 12, says China will accelerate reform of its "hukou" system to help rural people become urban residents.

The document also aspires to make basic urban public services available for all permanent residents in cities and to include all rural residents in the affordable housing system and the social security network.

"We will become urban residents some day, and I hope that day will come soon," Yin said.

【1】 【2】 【3】

(Editor:YanMeng、Chen Lidan)

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