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MND spokesman meets press (4)

(China Military Online)

08:37, July 29, 2013

There is no "breakthrough" in PLAN's training in West Pacific Ocean

  Japan’s defense minister recently delivered a speech about the so-called breakthrough of “the first island chain” by Chinese military aircraft. In this regard, Geng Yansheng stated that the military aircraft of the Navy of the Chinese People’s liberation Army (PLAN) flied to the West Pacific Ocean for training as a routine in the annual plan. It is not directed against any particular country or target, and is in compliance with international laws and international practice. China is entitled to such legitimate rights as free overflight and others in relevant waters. According to Geng, China will continue to carry out high-sea training in the West Pacific Ocean in the future, and he hopes that relevant parties should view this with an objective and reasonable mind.

  Geng Yansheng particularly pointed out that this is not the first time for the Chinese military aircraft to fly to the West Pacific Ocean for training. He also emphasized that it has been normalized for the Chinese naval taskforce to do training in high-sea of the West Pacific Ocean, not a “breakthrough”.

  With regards to Japan’s argument in its “defense white paper” that China is trying to use force to change the status quo, Geng Yansheng responded that Japan’s remarks are calling white black, confounding the right with the wrong, and irresponsible. Japan should deeply reflect on its own wrongdoings, be cautious in its words and deeds, and regain the trust of its Asian neighbors and the international community at large in real deeds.

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