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China's plastic explosion (7)

By Nana K. Sidibe (

10:27, July 25, 2013

An advertising supplement in Mina magazine by the Korea Tourism Organization (

China -- future center for plastic surgery?

The China Aesthetics & Plastic Surgery Expo -- which inaugurated in November 2012 and is in itself evidence of the growing industry -- will be held again this year in Beijing. The exposition presents itself as an outlet helping doctors, hospitals, and equipment suppliers to meet and participate in commercial exchanges.

Despite the slowdown of the Chinese economy, the plastic surgery industry is still growing, showing that people will always pay attention to their looks -- something which is clearly understood by the industry. There is an abundance of historical evidence which shows that an economic crisis does not always affect the cosmetic and plastic surgery industry.

Greece is the perfect example. In 2011, amidst an economic crisis, the country ranked second after South Korea for the number of people who have had plastic surgery, according to data generated by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons and reported by The Economist. If China follows this pace, it could soon join Seoul and Bangkok as an Asian Mecca for plastic surgery.

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