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Fixing suspicions arise over CSL match (2)


15:13, July 16, 2013

Zhao Junzhe, the captain of Liaoning, said, "We planned to use an all-Chinese squad in an all-out attempt to win the game, but it turned out we were inferior to our opponent."

Ma Lin, head coach of Liao­ning, when asked before the match if there was something "shady" going on between the two sides, said, "I'm not clear on that. Right now we're just preparing for the match. Of course if the club has some requirements, we'll follow them."

At the news conference following the defeat, Ma could only say "congratulations on Tianjin Teda's victory" before leaving the room.

Huang Yan, general manager of Liaoning Whowin, had denied his club was involved in anything unconventional.

"I can guarantee this wasn't match-fixing," Huang said. "In the pre-match meeting we even emphasized to the players they had to give it their all."

Chinese soccer games have suffered from a series of match-fixing and corruption scandals for many years.

An official with the CFA had confirmed Monday that the CFA will investigate the match.

【1】 【2】

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