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Shoppers' top destinations (3)

By Gao Yuan  (China Daily)

08:42, April 02, 2013

"There is a big difference between e-commerce and physical-world purchasing. The price point is much lower online than in brick-and-mortar stores but the buyers will not able to feel and touch the item that they intend to buy," said Kruger.

The experiential factor also plays an important role when people are buying luxury goods, he added. "To be able to purchase something original, where it has been manufactured, offers high-end buyers the oppoertunity to experience the craftsmanship and eliminate any possibilities of buying a counterfeit product."

In the long run, e-commerce will have a positive effect on brick-and-mortar shopping because the Internet allows people to see more items and services and destination information.

Such information will increase people's appetite to visit and look at the products where they originated, he said.

"The growing size of the middle class in China will benefit outbound traveling," Kruger added.

Asian destinations will become more popular in the next five to 10 years for first-time and second-time travelers because such trips are usually less expensive, he said.

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