Main items provided for in the central budget in 2013
1. Main revenue items
Revenue from domestic VAT will amount to 2.095 trillion yuan, up 6.5%; revenue from domestic excise tax, 855 billion yuan, up 8.6%; revenue from VAT and excise tax on imports, 1.5875 trillion yuan, up 7.3%; revenue from customs duties, 297 billion yuan, up 6.7%; revenue from corporate income tax, 1.3123 trillion yuan, up 8.6%; revenue from individual income tax, 381.5 billion yuan, up 9.2%; revenue from vehicle purchase tax, 242.6 billion yuan, up 8.9%; VAT and excise tax rebates on exports, 1.111 trillion yuan, up 6.5%; and non-tax revenue, 275.5 billion yuan, down 3.3%, which is the result of rescinding and exempting some administrative fees.
2. Main expenditure items
In compiling the central expenditure budget, we have further improved the spending structure, giving more support to key areas while limiting regular expenditure. The main expenditure items are arranged as follows.
The appropriation for education is 413.245 billion yuan, up 9.3%. We will maintain sustained, steady growth in government education investment and strengthen management over the use of educational funds to ensure they are used more efficiently. We will support the rapid development of preschool education, further increase funding for rural compulsory education, continue the project to improve the nutrition of rural students in compulsory education, and strive to shore up weak rural schools providing compulsory education. We will help to improve the conditions of regular senior secondary schools and strengthen infrastructure for vocational education, support the implementation of Project 985 and Program 2011 to promote intensive development of higher education, faithfully carry out the national policy of providing financial aid to students from poor families, and promote education equality.
The appropriation for science and technology is 252.991 billion yuan, an increase of 10.4%. This will be used to ensure the smooth implementation of major national science and technology projects, and support research on cutting-edge technologies and major generic key technologies as well as research for public benefit through Program 863, the National Key Technology R&D Program and special research projects in public service industries. We will increase investment in Program 973 and other programs aimed at strengthening basic research. We will leverage the role of the state seed fund for encouraging the application of advances in science and technology, push ahead with building capacity to provide public services for regional scientific and technological innovation, and promote innovation-driven development. The pilot program on using science and technology to benefit the people will be carried out in more areas, and efforts to bring scientific and technological advances within the reach of ordinary people at the community level will be accelerated.
The appropriation for culture, sports, and media is 54.054 billion yuan, up 9.3%. More public cultural facilities such as museums will be opened to the public free of charge and public cultural services at the community level will be improved. We will provide strong support to protecting cultural resources related to the early history of the CPC, key cultural artifacts, underwater cultural heritage, and major cultural and historical sites. The international broadcasting capabilities of key media will be enhanced, and we will support the development of cultural industries and encourage exports of cultural products and services. More public fitness facilities will be built, and stadiums and gymnasiums will be opened to the public free of charge or at low prices.
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