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Full text: Report on China's central, local budgets (14)


21:05, March 19, 2013

3. Public Finance Budgets for 2013

On the basis of the targets for economic and social development in 2013, the economic and social policies, and the general requirements for compiling budgets determined at the Central Economic Work Conference, we have set the following targets for public finance budgets in 2013.

Revenue of the central government is projected to reach 6.006 trillion yuan, up 7% on the actual figure for 2012 (here and below). Adding the 100 billion yuan from the central budget stabilization fund, revenue in 2013 should amount to 6.106 trillion yuan. Central government expenditure is estimated at 6.956 trillion yuan, up 8.4%. This consists of 2.0203 trillion yuan incurred at the central level, 4.8857 trillion yuan paid out as tax rebates and transfer payments to local governments, and 50 billion yuan of reserve funds for the central budget. Total expenditure will therefore exceed total revenue, leaving a deficit of 850 billion yuan, 300 billion yuan more than in 2012. The ceiling for the outstanding balance on government bonds in the central budget stands at 9.120835 trillion yuan.

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