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Ten trends of Chinese Internet in 2012 ( I) (2)

(People's Daily Online)

08:11, January 04, 2013

3. Mobile Internet ushers in an outbreak period

In 2012, Microsoft and Apple companies almost updated their products in an all-round way; Facebook, Yahoo, Microsoft and Google began vying for mobile Internet. The mobile phones exceeded the desktop computers for the first time to become the most-used Internet terminal in China.

Represented by Baidu, Qihoo 360, Shanda, Tencent, Sina and NetEase, the Internet companies are competing to develop mobile terminal, smart terminal, open platforms of cloud computing, browser, mobile applications, mobile maps and two-dimensional code, involving both hardware and software.

4. Broadband China

Data of Akamai Company show that the average speed of Internet connection in China was 1.4 Mbps in 2011, which is lower than the global average 2.7 Mbps. In 2012, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China focused on the popularization and acceleration of broadband and discussed about the strategy of broadband China with the Development and Reform Commission.

At the same time, the 4G network is being deployed across China.

During the period of "ITU Telecom World 2012" organized by the International Telecommunication Union, Chinese government officially announced the planning of 2.6 GHz TDD frequency spectrum for the first time, speeding up the process of commercial purpose of domestic 4G. Hangzhou became China's first city offering a 4G network to the public. On Dec. 18, China Mobile launched TD-LET commercial network in Hong Kong, realizing interflow of 4G network with Shenzhen.

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