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English>>China Society

China's Supreme Court opens doors to Internet users (2)


08:41, December 05, 2012

One Internet user who calls himself "Fallen Leave" online, said the public are very concerned about the transparency of law enforcement, because it not only gauges China's legal development, but has a direct bearing on the common people.

The SPC also briefed visitors on their work concerning handling public suggestions. The SPC has an online "mailbox" in place, soliciting opinions.

Wang Shengjun, the SPC president and chief justice, said handling such opinions equals to conducting fieldwork survey.

Yu Housen, spokesperson of the SPC, told visitors the Court has designated people to read emails, sort out useful suggestions and hand them over to relevant departments, and publish replies on the official website of the SPC.

Yu said, "Opening the SPC to the public is one way to enable them to learn about and oversee the court."

Tuesday's activity marked the fourth time that the SPC has opened to the public.

【1】 【2】

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