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English>>Foreign Affairs

Overseas officials, experts say China's socialist road significant (2)


08:28, November 12, 2012

Narayan Kaji Shrestha, deputy prime minister of Nepal, said China's emergence as the world's major economic and political power is impossible without the CPC's leadership.

He added that the reason why the CPC could accomplish so much is that it can combine the basic principles of Marxism-Leninism with the specific practice in China to suit the country's conditions.

Francois Ngarambe, secretary general of the Rwandan Patriotic Front, said over the past 10 years, China, under the CPC's leadership, has made huge accomplishment in building socialism with Chinese characteristics, and has accumulated a lot of experience, from which African nations, including Rwanda, could learn.

Sergey Luzyanin, a China expert with the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, said China's 30 years of reform and opening-up has breathed new life into the country.

He also said the key achievement during these three decades is that China has found a development path that fits its own conditions. With its rising overall strength, China has gradually become the world's major player, and its surpassing Japan to become the world's second biggest economy is the most important proof of that.

Pierre Picard, a French China expert, said China's reform and opening-up policy is compatible with its own economic and cultural development.

He also said that more time should be given to the Chinese government to solve the problems as it carries out the reforms. The past 10 years have seen fundamental progress in China's economy, people's livelihood, urbanization, and global influence.

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