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English>>China Politics

International community lauds Hu's report delivered at CPC congress (2)


12:58, November 10, 2012

China's steady economic growth in the future would drive growth in surrounding countries, and thus make important contributions to the world economy, he said.

The UK-based Financial Times said in a report on Thursday that Hu, in a speech at the 18th National Congress of the CPC, set a new economic goal of doubling China's 2010 GDP and average income by 2020. Economists said Hu's target for economic output was attainable as it implied an average growth rate of 7 percent.

The Associated Press reported that Hu said in a speech at the congress that the fight against corruption remains a serious challenge for the CPC.

"To many Chinese, China is at an inflection point. Its old model of heavily state-directed growth that lifted hundreds of millions out of poverty and made China an economic powerhouse is sputtering in the face of rising domestic debt and a weak global economy," it said.

In a report that focused on Hu's call to fight corruption, the Washington Post said Hu used strong language in addressing the problem in his speech at the congress, and stressed the importance of strictly enforcing the party's internal discipline mechanism.

Malaysia's Sinchew Daily said in an editorial on Friday that Hu's speech at the opening of the congress has outlined a blueprint for China in the next five to 10 years.

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