
Chinese official urges deepening international cooperation to fight desertification

(Xinhua) 10:47, August 23, 2023

BEIJING, Aug. 22 (Xinhua) -- Advancing global efforts in desertification prevention and control requires deepening international cooperation, a Chinese official said Monday, during a press conference regarding the upcoming 9th Kubuqi International Desert Forum, scheduled from Aug. 25 to 27.

According to Zhu Xuehua, an official of the Ministry of Science and Technology, China will focus on addressing major sci-tech issues in desertification control, strengthen exchanges and cooperation with countries around the world, carry out joint research on key technologies, and build demonstrative cooperation projects.

Over the past four decades, China has carried out comprehensive desertification prevention and control through major ecological projects such as the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei sandstorm source control project and the Three-North Shelterbelt Forest Program, Zhu said.

He added that Chinese sci-tech experts have developed a series of new technologies, methods and models, and made outstanding contributions to desertification prevention and control in China.

During the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025), the focus of the ministry is on promoting the development of new models for comprehensive desertification control, and developing a batch of new technologies and equipment. For instance, a green sand control technology developed using novel materials can reduce surface wind speed by 40 percent and sediment transport by 50 percent, Zhu noted.

The upcoming forum will focus on promoting exchange and cooperation in sci-tech innovation in desertification control and ecological civilization.

(Web editor: Zhang Kaiwei, Liang Jun)


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