
Delegates recommend adoption of Chinese Juncao technology to promote sustainable agricultural production in Africa

(Xinhua) 09:59, February 23, 2023

KIGALI, Feb. 22 (Xinhua) -- Delegates attending an African regional workshop on applications of Juncao technology in the Rwandan capital city Kigali have recommended the adoption of the technology to promote sustainable agriculture production in Africa.

Juncao technology is a priority project under the China-United Nations Peace and Development Trust Fund as it contributes to several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including eradication of poverty, reduction of hunger, use of renewable energy, promotion of women's empowerment, job creation and response to ongoing climate change, said Amson Sibanda, chief of National Strategies and Capacity Building Branch, Division for SDGs, the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, at the workshop on Tuesday.

Under the "Agriculture, Food Security and Food Safety" pillar of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Dakar Action Plan (2022-2024), China and Africa agreed to give full play to the agricultural technology demonstration centers already established in Africa to strengthen personnel training and exchanges as well as agricultural technology trials and demonstrations, Sibanda said.

The presence of Chinese experts and the participation of various countries in the forum underscore the importance of South-South cooperation as well as the contribution to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, said Ozonnia Ojielo, UN resident coordinator for Rwanda, at the workshop.

"Juncao technology is an important technology that will enhance and promote sustainable agriculture production in Africa and contribute to the continent's efforts towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals," he said.

Ojielo said that the most important thing participants can learn and take away from the workshop is to apply the knowledge gained on Juncao technology and make much more use of it as they return to their respective countries.

"I am pleased that Juncao technology is contributing to the fight against poverty and climate change in Rwanda and hopefully so in all our countries in Africa," he said.

Speaking at the workshop, Chinese Ambassador to Rwanda Wang Xuekun said that Juncao technology can be applied to mushroom cultivation, livestock forage, biogas and soil preservation.

Since 2001, the technology has extended to 106 countries worldwide and helped countless farmers get rid of poverty and achieve prosperity, he said.

"By now, more than 35,000 Rwandan farmers have been trained in this technology, and over 3,800 households, 50 companies and cooperatives have been supported to engage in the pertinent business," Wang said.

He said that the technology is low-cost, high-yielding and environment-friendly, and that Africa stands a chance to adopt the technology and contribute to achieving sustainable agriculture production on the continent.

Addressing participants, Olivier Kamana, permanent secretary in the Rwandan Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources, said that the government of Rwanda considers Juncao technology as a technology that needs to be prioritized.

"Juncao technology is a high-potential agricultural technology to enable the country to achieve the SDGs. The technology has been adopted by many mushroom farmers in Rwanda," he said.

According to Kamana, many people in Rwanda and abroad are not yet aware that mushroom-farming is a profitable business that can help fight poverty and malnutrition.

"Adoption of Juncao technology will certainly boost profits of mushroom producers, small and medium-enterprise mushroom processors, and generation of household incomes," he said.

The four-day workshop has brought together government officials, experts in Juncao technology, farmers' representatives, representatives from the UN, civil society organizations and the private sector, among others. 

(Web editor: Zhong Wenxing, Liang Jun)


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