
The Echoes

(People's Daily) 18:47, October 15, 2022

"Without the Communist Party of China, there would be no New China."

The voice travels to distant places and brings back echoes of the times.

"There is no such country like China in the world that will unselfishly aid developing countries."

"The Global Development Initiative proposed by President Xi is closely related to human progress."

When the world is puzzled by the question: "What has happened?", "China’s voice" gives answers.

When the world is confused by the question: "What should humans do?", "China’s proposition" builds consensuses.

When the music "Together for a Shared Future" is played, "China’s strength" illustrates its responsibilities.

The past decade has seen China make unremitting efforts, adding a splendid chapter to the times.

Now, all humanity lives in a community with a shared future, sharing weal and woe. When we work together, we work for the greater good of the world. 

(Web editor: Hongyu, Du Mingming)


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