
Public policy "embraces suffering, death:" article

(Xinhua) 09:23, September 16, 2022

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 15 (Xinhua) -- The response to AIDS, Ebola, cholera, monkeypox and any number of neglected diseases is not mere negligence. It is public policy that "embraces suffering and death," said an article published by the world's leading science journal Nature.

"Just look to the U.S. surrender to COVID-19, with 400-500 people still dying there each day; those in power decided that there are people who are simply expendable," said the article published on Tuesday.

"Supposedly, as U.S. President Joe Biden has said, we are tired of the pandemic. However, we are not bothered much by the human carnage. We could do more but have decided not to," said the article.

The United States spends relatively little on public health -- less than 2 cents for every dollar spent on health care -- and leaves clinical medicine to pick up the pieces when people end up in hospital, according to the article.

"It has reaped disaster for the lack of investment in social protections," said the article.

Even with enormous spending on health care, the United States ranks around the 40s when countries are listed by life expectancy, behind many much poorer countries, because health is determined by social and economic factors those of people in the country would rather not acknowledge, said the article. 

(Web editor: Zhong Wenxing, Liang Jun)


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