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Typhoon Nepartak leaves 83 dead, 19 missing in E. Chinese city

(Xinhua)    10:15, July 18, 2016

A car is buried in messes at Bandong Township after flooding in Minqing County, southeast China's Fujian Province, July 11, 2016. [Photo: Xinhua]

Typhoon Nepartak has left 83 people dead and 19 missing in Fuzhou, capital of east China's Fujian Province as of Sunday noon, provincial authorities said.

The worst-hit Minqing County in Fuzhou has reported 73 deaths, with another 17 still missing.

Typhoon Nepartak, the first to hit this year, made landfall in Fujian Province on July 9.

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Liang Jun,Bianji)

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