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Wild pandas' natural mating spotted in NW China

(Xinhua)    20:16, April 08, 2016
Wild pandas' natural mating spotted in NW China

A pair of pandas were caught in a "love affair" in northwest China's Shaanxi Province, staff of a local nature reserve confirmed on Friday.

According to He Xiangbo, administrator of the Foping Nature Reserve, two pandas in the reserve began "dating" -- the female in a tree and the male swooning her at the base -- near a conservation station on March 26.

Pandas have infamously solitary lifestyles -- female pandas only tolerate a male's presence around them two to three days a year during mating season, which usually lasts from March to May.

"Giant pandas are solitary animals and become social only during mating season," He said.

From March 26 to April 4, the female panda moved between five to six trees to make herself more comfortable. She barely ate, mainly just drinking water. Every time she climbed down a tree, the male panda chased her.

"Female pandas climb down for mating only when they feel they are ready. A male panda who climbs tree forcibly will be strongly rejected," He said. "Therefore, mating between wild pandas is rarely spotted."

Around noon on April 4, the female panda vocalized her readiness and climbed down the tree. After 10 days of stubborn waiting, the couple was ready.


(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)
(Editor:Gao Yinan,Bianji)

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