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Foreign passengers swing on handrails in Shanghai metro

By Huang Jin (People's Daily Online)    15:06, September 22, 2015

Photo shows some foreign passengers swing on the handrail in metro in Shanghai. (Photo/Weibo)

Swinging on the handrails, playing slapstick...... A few foreign passengers staged such a "crazy show" in Line 6 in Shanghai metro Saturday night. A netizen has taken photos of the scene and put them on Weibo.

A netizen named "@Backbone in Shanghai" says in his Weibo account that the madness happened around 11 pm in line 6 in Shanghai metro. "A bunch of foreign students had strong smell of alcohol in their breath. Some were drinking beer. The beer foam was sprinkled on the floor of the car." The photos taken by the netizen showed some foreigners swung on the handrail and played slapstick in the carriage. "I totally don't understand their behaviors," said "@Backbone in Shanghai”.

In reply, Shanghai metro operator said that it is still unable to determine the specific train, but in the metro, every passenger needs to comply with public order and morals, and should not disturb traveling environment and affect the operational safety.

Shanghai metro operator also said that if a passenger encounters a similar situation in the future, he can stop the impropriate behaviors in time or seek the help of the staff. 

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Huang Jin,Bianji)

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