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China urges Nepal to play constructive role in trilateral cooperation

(Xinhua)    08:29, July 06, 2015

KATHMANDU, July 5 -- Nepal should play a constructive role in the trilateral cooperation among China, India and Nepal, Chinese Ambassador to Nepal Wu Chuntai said here on Sunday.

The ambassador said during an event that Nepal is very important for the three-party diplomatic relations.

"It's time for Nepal to find the areas of cooperation, models of cooperation and especially projects of cooperation."

Recalling Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi's meeting with Indian Minister for External Affairs Sushma Swaraj on the sidelines of the International Conference on Nepal's Reconstruction on June 25 in Kathmandu, Wu said an economic corridor among the three nations may create more opportunities, revenues and benefits.

"Reconstruction is an opportunity of social and economic development for the Himalayan nation in which Chinese initiatives like AIIB and Belt and Road can be significant," said the Chinese envoy.

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Zhang Ruiqi,Liang Jun)

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