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English>>China Society

Across China: Nation grows obese amid changing diet (2)

(Xinhua)    20:21, June 16, 2015

In Sichuan's Shuangliu County, Meng Ye's hotpot restaurant serves roughly 1,000 customers every day.

"Hot pot is not only delicious, but also cheap and convenient," Meng said.

A standard hotpot uses 2.5 kilograms of oil, Meng said, adding that salt and oil heighten the flavor."

Despite links to cardiovascular disease, high intake of salt and oil is a widespread problem in China. According to government figures, the daily intake of salt per person in south China is 10 to 12 grams, and that rises to 15 to 18 grams in the north. Even in Guangdong, which is known for its bland food, average salt intake is 9.1 grams per day, 82 percent higher than the recommended amount by the World Health Organization.

"Such improper dietary patterns are making the Chinese unhealthy. Something must be done," said Wang Yanping from China Medicinal Biotech Association.

Wang said a balanced diet and regular exercise were important, and suggested people eat more cereal and less meat.

Meanwhile, members of the People's Liberation Army have been reminded to stay fit or lose out on promotions, according to a guideline published in February.

"We may be getting wealthier," Wang said. "But more importantly, we should be getting healthier."


(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Yao Xinyu,Bianji)

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