Sat,Nov 8,2014
English>>China Society

SKY SOHO becomes new landmark in Shanghai

(People's Daily Online)    17:34, November 07, 2014
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SKY SOHO in Shanghai, Nov. 3, 2014. (CNS/Wang Gang)

The construction of SKY SOHO has been completed in Shanghai. With a curvilinear appearance and dynamic spatial experience, the building has become a new landmark of the city.

SKY SOHO is designed by world-famous architect Zaha Hadid, and is her first architectural work in Shanghai.

The project is a large development comprised of a compelling mix of office and retail space with a gross floor area of approximately 350,000 square meters. Situated near Shanghai Hongqiao transport hub, SKY SOHO is to be established as the new landmark of Shanghai with a striking and iconic presence.


(Editor:Ma Xiaochun、Bianji)
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