Fri,Oct 10,2014
English>>Foreign Affairs

Editor's Pick

Chinese fisherman shot dead by S.Korean coast guard

(Xinhua)    13:31, October 10, 2014
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SEOUL, Oct. 10-- A Chinese fisherman of an 80-tonne fishing boat was shot dead by a South Korean coast guard when fishing in waters some 144 kilometers west of South Korea's North Jeolla Province on Friday morning, Yonhap news agency reported.

The coast guard claimed that they questioned the fishermen on board as the boat entered South Korea's sea illegally for fishing at around 8:30 a.m. local time. The coast guard fired three blank bullets and then eight ammunitions with K5 pistol after the fisherman, surnamed Song, resisting fiercely.

Song, who was then found having difficulties in breathing and belly ache, has been sent to a hospital in Mokpo city by helicopter of the coast guard, but was confirmed dead on the way.

The hospital said the left side of Song's stomach was hurt by the pistol and his lungs were filled with blood, according to CT results. A piece of 1.8 cm bullet was found in his body.

It was estimated that Song was shot when resisting the coast guard's question. Process and more details of the incident are still under investigation.

(Editor:Ma Xiaochun、Huang Jin)
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