Fri,Sep 12,2014
English>>People's Daily Online Exclusives

Exhibition of Taiwan colored glazes held in Chengdu

(People's Daily Online)    08:20, September 12, 2014
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The photo of colored glaze Buddha. (CNS/An Yuan)

Yang Huishan, winner of the Best Leading Actress award at the Golden Horse Awards and winner of the Best Actress prize at the Asia-Pacific Film Festival, brought her artistic creations of colored glazes to southwest China's Chengdu. The most impressive work in this exhibition is the 'colored glaze flower and Buddha, everlasting life and study'.

Colored glaze Buddha and flower are two main themes at the exhibition. The two forms of creation presented the same thing - life and study of Yang Huishan. She shaped the colored glaze flowers with lively lines and gave them vivid colors. All of these embodied her love for lives and praises to the wonderful world.


(Editor:Wang Ao、Liang Jun)
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