Wed,Jul 30,2014
English>>China Society

Editor's Pick

Hangzhou to sterilize stray cats

(Xinhua)    14:34, July 30, 2014
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HANGZHOU, July 30 -- Authorities in the eastern Chinese city of Hangzhou plan to round up stray cats for sterilization surgery to control their population, they announced on Wednesday.

Facing surging numbers of strays, Hangzhou's municipal government said it will invest 300,000 yuan (about 48,400 U.S. dollars) on the operations from September.

The city advocates Trap-Neuter-Return, a humane method widely practiced in other countries to control the cat population.

Chen Xiaoming, head of the city's animal husbandry and veterinarian bureau, explained that communities can trap stray cats and take them to vets for sterilization operations. After recovering, the cats can be freed.

Chen said the surgery will be free at nominated pet clinics.

According to the local animal protection association, Hangzhou has about 300,000 stray cats. Without any control, it is expected that the number would exceed one million in the next two or three years.

Chen said the local government will work with vets and NGO animal groups to control stray animal populations and reduce animal diseases.

(Editor:Kong Defang、Yao Chun)

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