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English>>Special Coverage >> Cooperation >> Shaanxi, Hometown of Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses

Editor's Pick

Houzhenzi Town

(People's Daily Online)    14:46, July 04, 2014
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Houzhenzi Town

As one of the 31 famous cultural towns of Shaanxi Province, Houzhenzi Town is the only scenic spot that is located on both the Yangtze River and the Yellow River systems in Xi’an. Lying in the deep mountains, the scenic spot features the largest area, the highest altitude, and the largest number of biological species in the city.

As the only silk butterfly specimen collection base in China, Houzhenzi Town owns intact primitive biocenoses and Zhouzhi National Nature Reserve, Taibai Mountain National Nature Reserve. It is home to various rare animals, among which are first-class national protected species including giant panda, golden monkey, and antelope.

As the Taoist holy place, Taibai Mountain retains a series of monastic temples including Taibai Temple, the Hall of the Medicine Buddha, Nantian Gate, and the Hall of Jade Emperor.

Lots of ancient plank roads are preserved in Houzhenzi Town.


(Editor:Gao Yinan、Liang Jun)

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