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English>>Special Coverage >> Implement the five strategies to inscribe the Lhasa poem of the Chinese dream

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Qi Zhala: Implement the five strategies to inscribe the Lhasa poem of the Chinese dream (5)

(People's Daily Online)    15:55, May 26, 2014
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Stabilizing the city with rule of law to achieve harmony and stability in Lhasa

J: Stability is the precondition of development. In a peculiar city like Lhasa, stability is of utmost importance.

Qi Zhala: Maintaining social stability is a huge and long term task, it is the precondition and guarantee for the development of Lhasa.

In terms of maintaining social stability, ethnic solidarity, the improvement and innovation of social management, maintaining harmony and stability in the monasteries, and the capability building of maintaining stability, we have come out with the innovative stability-maintaining mechanism to achieve the stability in Lhasa on the whole. The mechanism sticks to the management of the source of unstable factors; move forward of critical pass, adopt grid management methods, mobilizes the mass to prevent and treat instability, and sticks to the principle of utilizing military police for joint efforts.

J: Please tell me about the specific measures.

Qi Zhala: Combining the practice in Lhasa, the Regulations on Ethnic Solidarity and Improvement in Lhasa was put forward first of all in the capital cities of five Chinese autonomous regions, which determined the regulations for the improvement of ethnic solidarity and made sure the shared responsibilities in the achievement of ethnic solidarity. September each year is the month of ethnic solidarity, whereas September 17 is the Ethnic Solidarity Day. This move has provided legal support for the improvement and innovation of the normalization, institution and legalization of social management. With the advancement of the strategy of maintaining social stability with rule of law, the status of social security in Lhasa has improved greatly, while the initial situation of social stability is achieved.

J: I truly wish that Lhasa, the worldhe normalization, institution and legalization of social management. With the advancement of the strategy of maintaining social five strategies as the most splendid part of the Chinese dream.

Qi Zhala: Yes, we are working on it. Tashi Delek!


(Editor:Liang Jun、Huang Jin)

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