A large number of technicians with hi-tech background have emerged in the People's Liberation Army (PLA), due to high-tech training launched by the PLA, which has largely improved the PLA's overall combat capability.
In accordance with Chinese President Jiang Zemin's directions urging the PLA to enhance its defense combat effectiveness under high-tech conditions, subject itself to the absolute leadership of the Party and speed up military modernization, PLA cadres and soldiers have made great efforts to learn high-tech knowledge and prepare for military combat.
The PLA has followed the principle of training for the purpose of combat. A series of training activities have shown that the PLA has shifted from traditional combat methods to modern methods utilizing the latest high-tech achievements.
The PLA has also installed command automatization systems, and its small arms quality and anti-chemical weapons detection level are near the most advanced in the world.
Over 90 percent of PLA senior and middle ranking commanders have received training offered by the University of National Defense, and some of them have got doctors' or masters' degrees. A group of military commanders with knowledge of modern science, management and arms has also emerged in the army.
A large number of technicians with hi-tech background have emerged in the People's Liberation Army (PLA), due to high-tech training launched by the PLA, which has largely improved the PLA's overall combat capability.