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Sunday, July 01, 2001, updated at 10:06(GMT+8)

Ukraine, U.S. to Hold Joint Naval Drill

The Ukrainian and U.S. navies will hold a joint computer command post exercise next month in southern Ukraine and on the Black Sea, reports reaching Moscow said Saturday.

The war game coded Sea Breeze 2001, which is to last from July 6 to July 16, will go on at a training ground near the Ukrainian Black Sea city of Odessa and in the northwestern part of the Black Sea.

Sea Breeze 2001 is due under NATO's Partnership for Peace Program and a 2001 schedule for bilateral military contacts, the Ukrainian navy press center was quoted as saying.

The purpose of the exercise is to train troops for a peacekeeping and humanitarian relief operation, said the press center.

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The Ukrainian and U.S. navies will hold a joint computer command post exercise next month in southern Ukraine and on the Black Sea, reports reaching Moscow said Saturday.

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